There was this moment in 1995 when I had, as a gift from my sister Rachel who knew that I read comic books of some sort, a subscription to Wizard Magazine.
It wasn't an altogether embarrassing experience. Or at least huge swarths of it weren't. Interviews with Howard Chaykin were informative and entertaining enough, the token "indie comics" column wasn't particularly informative but it was nice nonetheless, and it was amusing to watch the inflated prices of Too Much Coffee Man comics in the price-guide.
A basic tenor of things comes into focus where the magazine published an article about a genre of comic book storytelling called "Bad Girl art". Expert interviewed to heap scorn on a fairly abysmal and puerile form of comic booking -- Sarah Dyer, editor of the anthology "Action Girl Comics", and girlfriend to Evan Dorkin (Wizard knew what "Milk and Cheese" was). The article provided a cursory criticism of a type of comic book Wizard Magazine was pushing and promoting, with an egregiously disingenuous caveat to the effect of:
"But balancing the bad are strongly realized characters such as Lady Death and Vampirilia."
Or something to that effect...
All of which is by way of bringing you to this, link taken from "Progressive Ruin" blog... Boob War Week. A show of how embarrassing comic books can be, and what I'm thinking I can avert my eyes away from. (Though the glut of this comic type is largely gone and done with.) It is a good train wreck. yep.
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