Sunday Comics Impressions for 2-18-07:
1. Pearls Before Swine
2. Rose Is Rose
3. Get Fuzzy
4. Doonsebury
5. Peanuts
6. Foxtrot
7. Elderberries
8. Dilbert
Cringe-Inducing Tedium
1. For Better of For Worse
2. Zits
3. Opus
4. Luann
5. Mutts
6. Over the Hedge
7. Garfield
8. Family Circus
Understand that the list of "cringe inducing tedium" are culled from strips that I stop and read generally and -- in the case of the last three strips mentioned -- somehow jumped out at me and thus... I read. Nothing else made an impression on me one way or the other.
Get Fuzzy and Pearls swerve into the pun-line. Rose Is Rose's standard hallmark card sappy premise doesn't overwhelm the gourgeous art this time out.
Over the Hedge throws the old canard of "Global Warming? But it's freezing!" Garfield is tossed in because the sight of Jon without hair freaked me out. Zits and Luann burrow under the tedium of cliched teenage motifs: get it? Jeremey eats all of mom's groceries before she can put them away! Get it? Luann waited until the last minute to study!
Mutts? I don't ever want to hear about the little pink sock again. Sorry.
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